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on amazon
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Our tools will help you make smarter decisions and accelerate your business goals on Amazon.

Category Insights

Review Insights

Keyword Management

Brand Visibility

There are thousands of subcategories in which sellers can list their products. Detecting the right category is highly correlated to search visibility and thus profitability. If you are not in the right category as a seller, no matter how much you lower product price or invest in advertising, it will be very difficult to drive traffic.


Reach your full potential

While navigating difficulties of four main points individually – discovery, visibility, traffic and profitability – the primary challenge is to interconnect them to gain a higher level of business automation and optimization. Most sellers are ‘lost in translation’, trying to achieve their goals not knowing how these key points interconnect.

A Quick Analogy

When you are producing a fast formula one sports car, you must excel in all components no matter how small, in order to become superior in the market. As the car drives fast, it needs to be safe, secure, ergonomic and needs to have a strong yet smooth grip when making tight turns (aside other cars). The car might be fast, but if it does not have a good grip making turns, then it cannot achieve optimal performance. Similarly, discovery, visibility, traffic and profitability parameters are so highly correlated to each other in the Amazon marketplace that you cannot avoid one, launch a product anyway, and expect ideal results. The key to becoming successful and the leader in this space is to target components all together. Thus, one singular yet all-encompassing product that incorporates all the aforementioned functionality will lead to peak results.

Try our packages now for free

Whipdata Orchestrator helped me improve my sales with its cost-effective offering. As an emerging private seller, it has always been quite challenging for me to find an online product which would fit my budget. Their pricing structure sounds right!
The best review management tool I have ever used. You can use grouping and filtering options to effectively manage your product reviews and make comparisons across your products, categories etc. I have been also using their Orchestrator (private label repricing software) and very happy with the results. Looking forward to integrating more of their algorithms into my portfolio.
Whipdata Keyword Management tool helped me improve my backend keyword selection on my product portfolio. Given Amazon`s strict limits, now I am able to utilize the space more effectively. Besides given the ad costs are rising continuously, looking just the Cost Per Click is not sufficient. This tool, lets me identify keywords that carry opportunity. Tracking is another feature that I find very useful. I have been tracking status of my ASINs as well as my competitors`.